Tuesday 8 December 2009

Manibhadra Veer ji

Manibhadra Veer ji

Manibhadra was a great king who was devoted to the Jain religion and doctrines. He had enormous wealth and was also very fond of thirty-six muscial instruments. Later, Acharya Hem Vimal Suri named him as Kshetrapal because of his tremendous devotion.

The carrier of Manibhadra Dev is Airavat, the white elephant. His face on statues is sometimes depicted as an elephant, and sometimes as Varah. His idols are shown with four arms, and sometimes we also see him with six arms.

In Magarvada (Gujarat), his legs are over here

In Ujjain (M.P.) his head is over here

In Aglod (Gujarat) his stomach is over here

There are so many idol of Manibhadra where large numbers of devotees go to get their desires fulfilled.

He is known to create miracles. It is believed that one gets wealth and protection from evil spirits by worshipping him.

Manibhadraji is highly respected among the Tapagachha sect of Sawetambar Jains. He is specially worshipped on Ashtami, Chaudas, and Diwali by those who want name and fame in the society. He likes the sound of temple bells.

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