Friday 11 December 2009



Bhomiaji Maharaj of Shikharji is world famous. In Jainism, two powers are world-famous as the protecting deities - Nakoda Bhairav in Rajasthan, and Shikharji's Bhomiaji in Bihar. On the sprawling mountain of Sammet Shikhar, whether it is midnight or noon, the devotees are found to be travelling. Who else but Bhomiaji protects them all.

Bhomiaji Maharaj not only protects the pilgrimage, but also fulfils the wishes of the devotees. At the foot-hill which is known as Madhuvan, there is a fascinating temple of Baba Bhomia containing his haloed idol. People worship the Baba with oil and vermilion and offer their bountiful homage at the door of the Baba. Every year on the day of Holi festival, a grand fair is held on Shikharji at the door of the Baba.

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