
Saturday, 2 October 2010

Mayan Goddess & God

Mayan Goddess & God

The ancient Maya had a complex pantheon of deities whom they worshipped and offered human sacrifices. Rulers were believed to be descendants of the Mayan gods and their blood was the ideal sacrifice, either through personal bloodletting or the sacrifice of captives of royal blood.
The Maya vision of the universe is divided into multiple levels, above and below earth, positioned within the four directions of north, south, east and west. After death, the soul was believed to go to the Underworld, Xibalba (shee bal bah), a place of fright where sinister gods tested and tricked their unfortunate visitors.

As with all Myths about Mayan Gods and Goddesses - Mayan Myths discuss connections with being from other realms who came to Earth to seed the planet.

Many people see the story of the Popol Vuh is the story of extraterrestrial Gods who came down and made man in his own image. When they first made man he was so perfect - living as long as they did - he could see far and wide - clairvoyant - and was as perceptive as they were.

They realized that they had made a competitor who was as wise as the Gods themselves. So they destroyed him and started over creating present day man. Modern man lives shorter lifetimes, is not as smart, and is here to act as a servant race to the Gods.

Within their culture they have legends of visiting Gods from outer space. In the last thousand years the being known as Quatzequatl the Great Feathered Serpent was a God who brought the teaching of peace to this part of the world and appeared as a white God with a beard. The drawings of him look almost identical to the drawings of the being known as Ea or Enki in the ancient Sumerian teachings.

In fact they looked like the images we see of Reptilians.

Quatzequatel: Winged God
Mayan god Thoth and Quetzacotal were the same person, Thoth was identified to Atlantis, Egypt, Sumer, then later was identified to Meso America and Peru as Quetzacoatal.

His pyramid was the Pyramid of the Sun in Teotihuacan 1sun pyramid
2mayan god thothtol 3

Chac mayan god Chac
Mayan god Chac was the god of rain. He was a benevolent god for the Mayans who often sought his help for their crops. Chac was associated with creation and life. Chac was also considered to be divided into four equal entities. Each division represented the North, South, East, and West. Chac was also apparently associated with the wind god, Kukulcan. Some debate persists as to whether or not Kukulcan was just a variotion of Chac.

Another Sun God - Kinich Ahau god Kinich Ahau
Kinich Ahau was the Sun god. He was the patron god of the city Itzamal. Supposedly, he visited the city at noon everday. He would descend as a macaw and consume prepared offerings. Kinich Ahau is usually shown with jaguar-like features (ex. filed teeth). Kinich Ahau also wears the symbol of Kin, a Mayan day. Kinich Ahau was also know by the name Ah Xoc Kin, who was associated with poetry and music.

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